Many days I lay awake trying to figure out what I plan to do on both projects jobs and other things in my life as many others do. For a few years one such project has kept me up at night, has been one I never even discussed before publicly. But I plan to do so now, mainly to try and get a call out for assistance on it.

Many of my projects I am perfectly fine working on my own and doing at my own pace but this one is a bit more of a challenge, that I really don’t feel I alone can handle. The reason I state that and the reasoning for my releasing this today of all days is because of the subject matter. It’s not that its offensive nor that the story hasn’t in some form been told before.  Yet the way others have told it often has been in a poor or uncaring way in many ways disrespectful of the events that caused and the events surround it to happen.

The story I am talking about is the birth of the United States. Far too often we don’t look at the story of this country’s creation in the right light. We don’t show the tragedy and sacrifice that each man woman and child went through to bring forth a nation unlike any before it in its day and age. In a time that even some these days try to rewrite the history of this country in a way that so corrupts and distorts history, ignoring many lives and souls that each believed in the dream to create a country of freedoms.

 A few years ago the idea of the story came to me that I needed to write a dramatic retelling of the founding of the country. Telling the story of the Nation’s founding from the lives of the people there at the time, not by adding some weird or strange tales as other before have told it, but to the story but retelling the story from their own words. While showing issues and pain that they went through to gain their freedom.   The story would start days before the Boston Massacre and go through to the deaths of Adams and Jefferson on the same day. It would show things like the torn relationship of Ben Franklin and his son over the divided concept of which side was right. It would show the madness of King George slipping in as his grip over the colonies was failing. And it would tell the stories of many great Americans that history books gloss over.   

As I said I came up with this idea for me to write. But I don’t want it as a simple book. No this idea of mine needs to be done in graphic novel form. Graphic Novels are a great way to take important literature of high dramatic story and tell the story in a way it strongly impacts the reader. And while I have several comics myself under my belt, I see my own style as unfitting of the story that needs to be told. So I come to the point asking for help.

I need other writers, artists, editors, and even financial support to bring this to life. It’s a project I would love to bring froth with Imbria Arts as a publisher but equally I am willing to bring it along with another company willing to give it the time it needs to be told in publication. This will be by no means a small one shot book. I personally have lined out the first book alone (8 chapters) and haven’t even gotten to the revolutionary war starting. It’s a big task and for now I am asking for those that wish to help with the creation please contact me at If you want to help but can only do so through finances. In the coming days after I gather a collection of other skilled artists and writers fitting for the series I will work to set up a way to donate strictly to the project at hand as well as a way to keep the series updated on releases and inside looks at how the story is progressing.  In the coming days I will add a new site to Imbria Arts for this title which I have dubbed.

Traitors to the Crown  

The reason for this title is simply because it’s what the founding fathers were considered when they took the effort to stand up against the King that ruled over them.

Once again for now I am making a call out for others to help in this project. What I need are as follows.

Comic Artists – You need to be skilled in the realistic look of characters. As the stories are told from real life people.

Writers – I myself am going to sit in this category, The writers need to understand how to write a scripted page with drama and action as both will be heavy throughout the story.

Researchers – This is going to be a key position in this work as I aim to make the story as accurate as possible and for that I need people to both research look of things from that time period for the artist staff but also to research the massive collection of letters and journals of the time

Editors – Yeah till now I have worked without one, but for now I need others willing to step in and help out with the editing of such a project.  

Producers – This is the last and key point. While I do plan to have Imbria Arts as a publisher of the title, The producers will help finance the other four groups into doing this work. I personally will do everything I can to produce content myself if I have to at no other cost, But given the quality and size of the project I alone cannot do it all. While I could take this idea to a larger company, I would prefer to keep this upcoming title as an independent entity to itself. 

For now all of these positions are strictly voluntary till a source of income can be gathered and divided evenly for the staff. I would have liked to have a stronger control on finances of this concept before revealing it but something tells me that this project like the story that it is based on needs to be for the people by the people. So all those willing to volunteer their time to help tell this story the right way please contact me at  Donations to all of projects are greatly accepted.

Thank You,

Brittany Dodson

Imbria Arts, Founder